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Speed:111 Spin:113 Control:82 

Độ cứng : 45°

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Can this rubber bear a different name than this?
Certainly not - in case of andro's new top rubber Rasant the name says it all. Maximum acceleration and immense power are stuck in the poisonous green colored sponge with built-in Tensor effect. The new top sheet impresses with its varying topspin performance - always combined with high ball control. If you are fast enough for this high end rubber, then we've got a breathtakingly rasant experience for you!
Fast, faster, RASANT!

  • Experience RASANT's compact play feeling caused by the unique, fine-pored green sponge!
  • Disarm your opponent's spin by using the newly developed RASANT top sheet and kick-start your own, more dynamic topspin!
  • Step up your stroke efficiency! Trigger toxic, better spins with an aggressive spin curve!
  • Change the game to your favor! Take your performance to a higher level! Play RASANT by andro!


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