• Rise Speed

Rise Speed

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- Tốc độ:  105       Độ xoáy:  102      Kiểm soát:  96

Đặc điểm

- Dòng sản phẩm mới nhất của TPS


- speed version of the Japanese development
- somewhat harder „Power Sponge“ technology provides even more speed
- no loss of spin and control
- quality „Made in Japan“

Are you ready for even more speed, spin and power? Watch out for the new rubber technology „Made in Japan“ - here is the Rise Speed! The new, dynamic „Power-Sponge“ technology gives the popular TSP Rise even more speed and power! The result will convince you! Due to the somewhat harder „Power Sponge“, TSP Rise Speed has even more power. The grippy, Japanese surface guarantees constant spin and control.The quality „Made in Japan“ stands for long durability and first-class playing possibilities.


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